

“I place the Catholic Nurses at the foot of our Blessed Lady”.  With those words, His Eminence Samuel Cardinal Stritch, on July 26th, 1954 founded the Council of Catholic Nurses of the Archdiocese of Chicago as a Marian Year tribute to Our Blessed Mother.   Grateful of His Eminence for this privilege and honor, we Catholic Nurses with joyful hearts give ourselves to Mary, beseeching her to guide our humble efforts to please her Divine Son and to become worthy instruments in the care of the sick.

The organization shall be known as the Council of Catholic Nurses of the Archdiocese of Chicago (CCNAC).
 The mission of CCNAC is to promote moral principles within the Catholic context in nursing and stimulate desire for professional development.   To deepen Christian values in the lives of its members and to help them bring these values more effectively to their work environment.  To promote the image and professional status of every Catholic nurse.   To encourage and support nursing research and application of research finding in practice while applying the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services and to provide a platform for nurses to discuss these issues and assist them with making decisions as the nursing profession evolves.

Our Blessed Lady under the title of Health of the Sick and Mother of Perpetual Help.

In All Things Charity

  1. To deepen Christian values
  2. To analyze and implement the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services
  3. To promote education in Catholic Nursing Ethics
  4. To nurture spiritual growth
  5. To promote professional and community involvement in the Spirit of Christ
  6. To emphasize the Liturgy as an indispensable source of the Christian Spirit
  7. To provide opportunities for reflection
  8. To provide guidance and support for Catholic Student Nurses
This Council shall be subject to the jurisdiction and approval of the Bishop of the Archdiocese of Chicago and shall function under the guidance of the Spiritual Advisor.  The Bishop of the Archdiocese of Chicago will appoint spiritual Advisor.

Section 1:  There shall be four categories of membership, which are:  General, Associate, Student and Honorary. 
1.1   General
1.1.1         CCNAC shall be composed of Catholic Registered, Licensed and Retired Nurses interested in the Council.
1.1.2         Any Catholic Registered, Licensed and Retired Registered Nurse may apply for membership directly to this council.
1.2   Associate
1.2.1         An individual who is not a Registered Nurse.   Membership will be opened to all health care professionals.
1.2.2         Associate membership requires that each person accepts the Roman Catholic values and the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services. 
1.3   Student
1.3.1         Catholic student nurses enrolled in an accredited school of nursing are eligible for membership and may vote with the general membership.
1.4   Honorary
1.4.1         Honorary membership may be conferred at the annual meeting upon any person who has aided in the foundation or development of the council in any outstanding manner.
Section 2: Membership is not transferable to another person.
Section 3: the Board of Directors shall determine Membership dues.
Any Elected Officer or Director who fails to attend three consecutive meetings without an acceptable reason shall be considered to have resigned.

Section 1:  The CCNAC shall have an Executive Board comprised of a President, President-Elect, Recording Secretary, Treasurer and Co-Treasurer. 
Section 2:  The CCNAC shall have a Board of Directors comprised of the Executive Board and three Directors and Honorary Members.
2.1 The Board of Directors shall consist of:  Spiritual Advisor, Honorary Member, Executive Board, Immediate Past-President and Chairperson of the Standing Committees.   
2.2 The Board of Directors shall govern the organization.
2.3 The Spiritual Director and Immediate Past-President shall have a voice and are non-voting members.

Section 1:  Officers and Directors shall be elected by ballot prior to the annual meeting.
1.1 Paper Ballot with Candidate’s Information Biography
Section 2:  Officers and Directors may continue in the same office for more than two consecutive terms if approved by the Board of Directors.
Section 3:  A Plurality vote for any office shall constitute an election, in case of a tie; the choice shall be decided by consensus of the Nominating Committee.

Section 1:  Terms of the office shall be staggered.  
1.1   The President, President-Elect, Treasurer and two Directors shall be elected in even years.  
1.2   The Recording Secretary, Co-Treasurer and two Directors shall be elected in odd years.
Section 2:  The regular term of any elected member shall be two years.

The Executive Board shall schedule meetings three times a year and at the call of the President.
The President shall:
  1.  Serve as the official representative of the Executive Board
  2. Act as Chairperson of the Board of Directors
  3. Perform duties as coordinating and promoting the direct growth of the Council
  4. Preside at all meetings of the Council and the Board of Directors and provide written agenda
  5. Be an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors for one year
  6. Be an ex-officio member of all committees
  7. Appoint ad hoc committees, as needed, with the approval of the Board of Directors
  8. Appoint a member to an interim office, as needed, with the approval of the Board of Directors
  9. Have the authority to call special meetings of the Board of Directors
  10. Act as a liaison for any ethical concerns raised by a member
  11. Prepare a written report annually of the Council’s activity and submit a copy to the Spiritual Advisor and to the CCNAC archives kept at the Sisters of the Resurrection Provincial Home
  12. Turn over all books, records and other property pertaining to office to the successor
The President-Elect shall:
  1.  In the absence of the president, assume all duties of the President
  2. Perform duties as are assigned by the President, or the Board of Directors
  3. Serve as liaison between student nurses and the Council
  4. Receive recommendations for award(s) from members at large
  5. Select and work with standing committees to determine candidate(s) for award(s) according to criteria
  6. Work with the Finance Committee in determining the award(s) approved
  7. Turn over all books, records and other property pertaining to office to the successor
 The Immediate Past-President shall:
  1.  Assist the Board of Directors in an advisory capacity
  2. Perform other duties as requested by the Board of Directors
The Recording Secretary shall:
  1.  Take the meeting minutes of the Council and Board of Directors
  2. Preserve all papers, letters and transactions of the Council
  3. Send a copy of all minutes to the Board members and Headquarters within 30 days after each meeting
  4. Work with Treasurer to maintain a current membership list and notify new members within two weeks of application
  5. Be responsible for all correspondence between the Executive Board and Board of Directors
  6. Work with the Professional Committee to facilitate communication with the membership and Catholic community
  7. Notify elected officers and appointed chairperson of their elections and/or appointments
  8. Send notices of the time and place of all Executive Board and Board of Directors meeting
  9. Turn over all books, records and other property pertaining to office to the successor
The Treasurer shall:
  1.  Send annual renewal notices to active members, receive and record fees and send membership cards to members
  2. Work with Recording Secretary to maintain a current membership list and notify new members within two weeks of application
  3. Receive all funds of the Council, deposit such funds in a bank designated by the Board of Directors and pay such bills as are approved by all the voting members of the Board of Directors in the annual budget
  4. Keep an itemized account of all receipts and disbursements and shall give a written report at all meetings of the Board of Directors and all regular meetings
  5. Submit all books or accounts for annual audit as specified by the Board of Directors
  6. Serve as Chairperson of the Finance Committee
  7. Keep a current list of names and contact information of all members
  8. Send names and address of new members to the President and Chair of the Membership Committee
  9. Turn over all books, records and other property pertaining to office to the successor
The Co-Treasurer shall:
1.        In the absence of the Treasurer, assume all duties of the Treasurer
2.       Assist Treasurer with duties
The Board of Directors shall:
  1.  Hold a business meeting on a date agreed upon by the members of the Board of Directors three times a year
  2. Transact the general business of the Council
  3. Report to membership at the Council meetings the business transacted in the interim and in the newsletter
  4. Approve place for the deposit of funds
  5. Fill a vacancy in any office, including that of President, for the remainder of the term
  6. Receive quarterly reports from the standing committees
  7. Approve ad hoc committees and appointments of the President
  8. Work to recruit new members and retain existing members
  9. Appoint standing committee chairpersons and approve membership of said committees

Standing Committees:
  1. Governance
  2. Finance
  3. Membership
  4. Professional Development
  5. Professional Communication
Standing Committees and Their Duties:
Section 1: There shall be standing committees on Bylaws, Finance, Membership, Professional Development and Professional Communication
Section 2:  Standing committees chairpersons shall be appointed by the Board of Directors and shall serve for a two-year term or until successors are appointed.   

Committee Membership:
The committee shall consist of the President-Elect and a minimum of six other members.   Half of the membership shall rotate every year.
Selection of Chairperson:
  1. President-Elect shall assume the position of Chair
  2. The term of office shall be two years
Responsibility of the Committee/Specified Activities:
  1. Formulate and support goals and objectives of the committee
  2. Review Bylaws every two years
  3. Responsible for Nominating Board Appointees
  4. Establish communication with membership
  5. Mail proposed changes to all members at least sixty days prior to the annual meeting
  6. Receive, suggest and act upon proposed amendments
Committee Membership:
The committee shall consist of Treasurer and Co-Treasurer and a minimum of two and a maximum of five other members.   Half of the membership shall rotate every year.
Selection of Chairperson:
  1. The Treasurer shall assume the position of Chair
  2. The term of office shall be two years
 Responsibility of the Committee/Specified Activities:
  1. Formulate and support goals and objectives of the committee
  2. Prepare annual budget with input from the President, Standing Committees and the Board of Directors, which shall be presented to the Board of Directors for approval at least one year before the current fiscal year ends.
  3. Maintain accurate records of all financial transactions that occur in the name of the council
  4. Notify the President of any over-usages
  5. Communicate the eligibility of funds for the nursing scholarship awards to the Professional Development Committee
  6. The committee shall report the financial status of the council at all board and membership meetings
  7. Submit a written report for all board meetings and the annual meeting
Committee Membership:
The committee shall consist of a minimum of four and a maximum of six members.   Half of the membership shall rotate every year.
Selection of Chairperson:
  1.  The Chair shall be appointed by the Board of Directors
  2. The term of office shall be two years
Responsibility of the Committee/Specified Activities:
  1. Formulate and support goals and objectives of the committee
  2. Contribute to sustaining the Council with a membership base consisting of present and prospective members, as provided in Article VI: MEMBERSHIP
  3. Provide membership information to the Board of Directors and committee chairs as requested
  4. Assist members with promotion of membership, through brochures, personal contacts, social media, and as tasked by the Board of Directors
Professional Development:
Committee Membership:
The committee shall consist of a minimum of four and a maximum of six members.   Half of the membership shall rotate every year.
Selection of Chairperson:
  1.  The Chair shall be appointed by the Board of Directors
  2. The term of office shall be two years
Responsibility of Committee/Specified Activities:
  1. Meetings (Article XII: MEETINGS)
  2. Nursing Education
2.1 Research and create activities for presentation to members that support spiritual growth, opportunities for recollection, promote education in Catholic Nursing Ethics, deepen Christian values and provide guidance and support for Catholic nurses
2.2 Plan and promote programs/conferences that promote health care issues, ethics, education and personal spirituality
2.3 Maintain fidelity to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church and the directives of the Holy Pontiff
  1. Nursing Scholarship Awards
3.1   Select awardees showing need for financial assistance
3.2   Announce name of awardees at the annual celebration mass
3.3   Work with Finance Committee to determine award(s) amount (s)
  1. Assist nurses in their role of caring and healing, to develop and foster their spirituality so that they can effectively minister to those in their care
  2. Plan and implement the liturgies and prayer activities
Criteria for Award Selection:
  1. Name(s) of potential recipients will be forwarded by an active member of the council
  2. Nominee must be a member of CCNAC
  3. Nominee must be enrolled in an accredited nursing program (Undergraduate, Graduate, Doctoral)
  4. Nominee must be a Registered or Licensed Nurse an show need for financial assistance
  5. Nominee will be asked to submit an essay.   Topic to be selected by the Board of Directors.
  6. Nominee who are students must submit documentation of GPA of 3.0 or greater
  7. Nominee must submit two letters of recommendation
Professional Communication:
Committee Membership:
The committee shall consist of a minimum of four and a maximum of six members.   Half of the membership shall rotate every year.
Selection of Chairperson:
  1.  The Chair shall be appointed by the Board of Directors
  2. The term of office shall be two years
Responsibility of Committee/Specified Activities:
  1. Newsletter
1.1    Contribute to the newsletter on current spirituality issues related to health care issues, ethics, education and personal spirituality
  1. Publicity
2.2    Create flyers and/or marketing materials promoting all professional development activities
  1. Maintain communication with the Board of Directors, Standing Committee Chairs and Membership
  2. Formulate goals and objectives of the committee

Section 1:  Three major membership meetings (events) each year
2.1   Two Spiritual Reinforcement Events
2.1.1         Lent and Advent
2.2   Ethics support in the Fall
Section 2: Annual Celebration Mass and Luncheon
Section 3:  The Executive Board shall schedule meetings three times a year and at the call of the President.
Section 4:  The Board of Directors shall meet every other month

A majority of the Board of Directors members including the President or President-Elect shall constitute a quorum at any schedule Board of Directors meeting (4 members).

The fiscal year for the Council shall be January 1st through December 31st of each year.

The Headquarters should be known as the home of the Treasurer or an alternate address designated by the treasurer.

This Council shall be finance by dues, gifts, annual meetings/celebrations and fundraisers.
  1.  The annual dues shall be $20.00 for all members
  2. Membership renewals shall be mailed by January 31st of each year
  3. All dues shall be payable to CCNAC and sent to Treasurer at the time of renewal
  4. Dues not paid within 90 days of membership renewal will result in a non-active member status
CCNAC is an independent affiliate of the National Catholic Nurses Association-USA (NACN-USA).   NACN-USA appears in the Official Catholic Directory under the Joliet Diocese.   The NACN-USA is affiliated and is a full voting member of the International Catholic Committee for Nurses and Medico-Social Assistants (CICIAMS).  

Changes to the bylaws must be presented to the Bylaws Committee and after consideration, forwarded to the Board by their next scheduled meeting.   The Bylaws Committee will send changes to all members for their consideration sixty days prior to annual meeting.  Voting to take place during the annual meeting.   Only proposed changes can be amended.   Review and changes to bylaws may be made annually.
Approved by CCNAC Executive Board: January 20, 2015
Revised Date: November 18, 2014
Reviewed and Revised:  1954, 1964, 1966, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1999, 2000, 2004, 2011 and 2013